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Limited Edition Designs

I'm Kind Of A Big Deal...

artwork and photo copyright Laura Beth Love

I'm excited to offer a new  category for Limited Edition Art Jewelry on my website. This category encompasses those one of a kind creations that don't quite fit in any of my other categories and in a nutshell can be described as a little bit of this and a little bit of that! 

Here is where you will find unique and unusual jewelry designs that incorporate vintage photos as well as some vintage advertising art, plus some mixed media and altered art jewelry. Some of the items included in this section are early designs that I made a while back but never had the time to photograph until now! Be sure to stop in and take a peek!

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China Mosaic Skulls

I spent most of yesterday working on my china mosaic skulls...

These are so relaxing to make, and I think they're pretty cute too!

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Dishfunctional Designs on Great Green Goods

If you are looking for a recycled or green gift, be sure to check out Great Green Goods. I was thrilled to recently have my broken china jewelry featured by them on their site, which features eco-friendly products that are made by creative minds with recycled materials. You can read their review of my jewelry here:

Dishfunctional Designs - Makes you want to Break your Plates

From Pennsylvania artist, Laura Love, gorgeous pendants, bracelets, charms and earrings created from recycled broken dishware. The necklaces with the added accent of recycled vintage flatware are my favorite. If you’re the type who can’t bear to toss Great Aunt Mabel’s cracked and chipped tea cup, you can send it to Laura since custom work is available.
Priced around $50.00 for necklace and $60.00 for bracelet at Dishfunctional Designs.

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Boy do I have lots of sweet new goodies for spring! This winter I took some time away from my regular line of broken china jewelry to create some exciting new designs with some fabulous vintage materials...I dove into my collection of vintage photos, reproduced some of them, then had a ball adding some fun text to them and incorporating them into some fresh new designs. (I knew I was collecting those vintage photos for a reason!)

How cute is she?!

artwork & photos copyright 2009

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Happy March

I was hoping for some spring-like weather come March, but in lieu of sunshine a full-blown snow day will always suffice! There's nothing like a blizzardy day to stir up my creative juices. Seeing that going outside was not an option, I opted to work on some new, (and kinda silly) designs for spring. I love the way this necklace turned out! What a vixen! ~ This was made from a vintage photo that I reproduced. I added some original fun text, placed her behind glass, soldered her up with silver solder, and topped her off with a hand-carved onyx bead. (available Spring '09)

all designs & images copyright 2009

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