Jim Cramer : ...there is a fabulous article in the Financial Times about th actual demand for physical silver , I think anyone who has to bet against gold and silver has to go and buy some physical gold and silver especially silver , cause you recognize it you go into your gold dealer or silver dealer , the price that you hear in the market is minimums of what people want to pay so you can only imagine how much money you can really make ....""...those who do not deal with the physical really do not understand the real demand for silver whether it is here or in China ..." well here you got it Jim Cramer finally is asking you to buy physical and especially physical SILVER
What do you think of these solution?
Jim Cramer : Buy physical Silver
Jim Cramer : ...there is a fabulous article in the Financial Times about th actual demand for physical silver , I think anyone who has to bet against gold and silver has to go and buy some physical gold and silver especially silver , cause you recognize it you go into your gold dealer or silver dealer , the price that you hear in the market is minimums of what people want to pay so you can only imagine how much money you can really make ....""...those who do not deal with the physical really do not understand the real demand for silver whether it is here or in China ..." well here you got it Jim Cramer finally is asking you to buy physical and especially physical SILVER
Gold a safe haven and a better option to invest in times of crisis
Gold Prices reached their highest levels in 35 years
Investors describe gold as a safe haven investment and less risky where they can pour their liquidity, in light of sharp fluctuations that characterize the movement of the financial markets and global crisis, and the impact of political unrest and natural disasters that swept several areas in the world today.
Gold prices are high to a point they did not reach in the last 35 years , after the spot price of an ounce reaches 1420 dollars at the moment , it is a golden opportunity for investors who want to preserve their money in clear and transparent investment .
According to the forecasts of some international analysts an ounce of gold will be worth $ 1700 by the end of 2011. The weakness of the US Dollar , the European debt crisis and possible bailout for Portugal and the rising inflation are factors that may boost the price of Gold to very high levels some experts say $5000 , $10000 or even $80 000 , , Gold has always been considered as real money , buying it and holding it was and is always the best way to preserve the wealth in a time of uncertainty and fluctuations.....
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Investors describe gold as a safe haven investment and less risky where they can pour their liquidity, in light of sharp fluctuations that characterize the movement of the financial markets and global crisis, and the impact of political unrest and natural disasters that swept several areas in the world today.
Gold prices are high to a point they did not reach in the last 35 years , after the spot price of an ounce reaches 1420 dollars at the moment , it is a golden opportunity for investors who want to preserve their money in clear and transparent investment .
According to the forecasts of some international analysts an ounce of gold will be worth $ 1700 by the end of 2011. The weakness of the US Dollar , the European debt crisis and possible bailout for Portugal and the rising inflation are factors that may boost the price of Gold to very high levels some experts say $5000 , $10000 or even $80 000 , , Gold has always been considered as real money , buying it and holding it was and is always the best way to preserve the wealth in a time of uncertainty and fluctuations.....
Gold on a Bearish Signal ?
The fact that gold price made a new high and came off the same day and set lower was quite bearish says analyst Mihir Dange of Arbitrage , right now he is playing the market from neutral to short aspect , selling small taking some profit off the table , we have to definitely go beyond $1450 in order to renew bull interest , the information on the European debt crisis and the probable bankruptcy of Portugal did not play the catalyst they it should have for the price of Gold so far... Gold had a significant run up until here ...but the momentum is no dying , many experts sees gold reaching at least $1500 by the end of this year...
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GFMS 2011 surveys gold and silver
One thousand trillion is equal to one quadrillion. In terms of money, this can't even exist. They play with the money number to set people off to thinking... how much is that? Bernanke ... is taking us down the path of economic collapse... QE1 the banks hoarded all that FIAT paper...QE2 ... has had little effect....and now there even suggesting QE3....who is ready to go mine for Gold and Silver???
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Gold and silver reaching new heights - Silver at $38.10, Gold at $1,446.35.
Gold hits an all time record benefiting from the financial uncertainty created by the Portugal debt and possible bailout , Silver is benefiting from the reconstruction of Japan which was hit by an earthquake and a Tsunami , both Gold and Silver becoming in the eye of the masses a safe heaven to run to in times of uncertainty and a hedge against Inflation
The idea of purchasing Gold and Silver is to not get rich or to make gains, even though this will happen. The reason why you buy gold and silver is to maintain your purchasing power in this sick gone mad world we live in. There is your answer. Paper money will be worthless, yet it will be used until they will not accept it anymore. Until then maintain your purchasing power buy buying gold and silver. Go to my page and get more understanding.
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The idea of purchasing Gold and Silver is to not get rich or to make gains, even though this will happen. The reason why you buy gold and silver is to maintain your purchasing power in this sick gone mad world we live in. There is your answer. Paper money will be worthless, yet it will be used until they will not accept it anymore. Until then maintain your purchasing power buy buying gold and silver. Go to my page and get more understanding.
Gold Over $1,440 , Silver over $37
March 23 - Gold price Over 1,440 , silver at the highest. This sprint in Gold and Silver prices happen after the new data on new homes sales in the U.S.
Gold in the sprint after the drop in new home sales in New York, with prices rising by 0.8% over the $ 1,440 back. Silver advanced to over $ 37.22 an ounce, the highest since 1980
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Gold in the sprint after the drop in new home sales in New York, with prices rising by 0.8% over the $ 1,440 back. Silver advanced to over $ 37.22 an ounce, the highest since 1980
JAMES TURK : Gold is really in backwardation
JAMES TURK : Basically interest rates are out of whack. Gold interest rates are higher than Labor and because interest rates are so out of whack there should be arbitrages coming into the market to bring interest rates back into their normal patterns. The net result of this, because there are no arbitrages I don't really think arbitrage opportunity exists which means that the reported rates are not actually accurate and that gold is really in backwardation, it's not really trading in contango which is really what is happening in the physical market as well. The demand for physical metal is very strong and as a consequence I really think there's a backwardation in the gold market and that the GOFO rate and the contango on the Comex are not really a true representation of prices at this moment in time.
in www.mineweb.com
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in www.mineweb.com
Silver Short Squeeze and Backwardation explained
Silver backwardation and the makings for a short squeeze Silver price is treading water lots a catalyst that bubbling here we rebuilding in Japan -- in the futures market and -- haven buying. Joining me for the trade at the nymex it -- our trading Anthony it is the whole Clinton catalysts that should be pushing silver higher but they're not
because of extreme shortage people fear that they wont get hold of the physical in a future time. so they want it now. so the price today is higher than that of a future date. for example if a seller promises to deliver u physical in 2015 at § 20 an oz wouldn't u rather take delivery now paying a little extra knowing well that there wont be any silver in 2015? that's backwardation. JP Morgan won't take it's own ETFs as collateral
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because of extreme shortage people fear that they wont get hold of the physical in a future time. so they want it now. so the price today is higher than that of a future date. for example if a seller promises to deliver u physical in 2015 at § 20 an oz wouldn't u rather take delivery now paying a little extra knowing well that there wont be any silver in 2015? that's backwardation. JP Morgan won't take it's own ETFs as collateral
Silver 1:1 parity with Gold - Webbots forecast
Everything is way too inflationary ,the elites have devalued the currency ,but they do not have to worry ,they get billions,so what they can print more for themselves the web bots predict that silver would soon reach $600/oz.,It would be great to see silver bullion at $50 a troy ounce, its still on the up about 38% over a year period. if the empire continues to fall as I think it will them $600 is very likely as you will see and believe .IF webbots put Silver with 1:1 parity with GOLD, we're looking at at least $1300/oz Silver.Try Gold & Silver= $8000/oz Loaf of bread= $8.99 Have you bought bullion yet? Get your silver and food now! I think there will be events that dump on the metals prices, and THEN it will go beyond the "nobody's" ability to purchase it. Huge amount of "shorts & longs" on metals too. Lots of comex/ paper metal investment to get rid of too. Knowing which is the sign with the shorts/longs is an issue.
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John Embry Mike Maloney, and David Morgan on investing in physical gold and silver
I don't know how long the dollar will last for. But I rather jump out of a boat before it sinks than sit around to see how things turn out.Silver & Gold is your lifeboat.
Diversify with Physical Gold and Silver - BIGGEST INVESTMENT EVER : Silver and gold do not go up. The value of the dollar goes down. Silver doesn't appreciate. It does not produce cash flows. Gold is money. It is not an investment. It is wealth preservation. You can trade an ounce of sliver for the same amount of goods as you could in 1913. The silver to oil or silver to bag of potatoes ratio should never change. Silver and gold are just money. There are arbitrage opportunities at times, but in the long run silver and gold are simply money.Silver is by far a better investment. Look at the numbers of silver over the years. It has outperformed gold and it is still a bargain even at $35.00. Imagine it going to $50.00. or $100.00 Bill gates has 30% of his assets in silver. Maybe he knew something that we did not.buying gold and having the ability to hold it in your hand is better than receiving a piece of paper stating how much you own. Because that piece of paper with that statment is no different than having the dollar bill in your wallet, paper may have a statement (IOU wise) but gold is GOLD.If you are going to buy gold you are better off buying actual gold that you can touch. Not a piece of paper or a certificate - thats just an iou in my opinion. If your going to keep an iou - you may as well hold dollars.There are gold dealers all over. look up the yellow pages
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Diversify with Physical Gold and Silver - BIGGEST INVESTMENT EVER : Silver and gold do not go up. The value of the dollar goes down. Silver doesn't appreciate. It does not produce cash flows. Gold is money. It is not an investment. It is wealth preservation. You can trade an ounce of sliver for the same amount of goods as you could in 1913. The silver to oil or silver to bag of potatoes ratio should never change. Silver and gold are just money. There are arbitrage opportunities at times, but in the long run silver and gold are simply money.Silver is by far a better investment. Look at the numbers of silver over the years. It has outperformed gold and it is still a bargain even at $35.00. Imagine it going to $50.00. or $100.00 Bill gates has 30% of his assets in silver. Maybe he knew something that we did not.buying gold and having the ability to hold it in your hand is better than receiving a piece of paper stating how much you own. Because that piece of paper with that statment is no different than having the dollar bill in your wallet, paper may have a statement (IOU wise) but gold is GOLD.If you are going to buy gold you are better off buying actual gold that you can touch. Not a piece of paper or a certificate - thats just an iou in my opinion. If your going to keep an iou - you may as well hold dollars.There are gold dealers all over. look up the yellow pages
David Morgan : Silver has better dynamics than gold
silver guru David Morgan : Silver has better dynamics than gold
The U.S. Mint just reported another record, but this time it wasnt for gold. The Mint sold more Silver Eagles in March and in the first quarter of the year than ever before. A total of 9,023,500 American Silver Eagles were purchased in Q110, the highest amount since the coin debuted in 1986.the first thing Roosevelt did was declare National Emergency and institute Martial law the he ordered a reclaim of all the silver and gold the dollar will be worthless but he will pay for YOUR gold and silver in fair Government Terms and Prices
David Morgan :".....Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective, but fewer people are willing to invest in it. It's a smaller market and therefore more volatile. But the dynamics of silver are better, because it has every attribute of classical money that gold holds—that safe haven status—and it's better recognized as money on a global basis, not just a North American basis. On top of that, it has industrial demand, and most of those applications are price-inelastic, meaning demand will be there regardless of silver's price. So, long term, silver really does have a better investment profile than gold does.I'd say that more people are waking up to that fact, and I'll say it from empirical evidence as well...."
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The U.S. Mint just reported another record, but this time it wasnt for gold. The Mint sold more Silver Eagles in March and in the first quarter of the year than ever before. A total of 9,023,500 American Silver Eagles were purchased in Q110, the highest amount since the coin debuted in 1986.the first thing Roosevelt did was declare National Emergency and institute Martial law the he ordered a reclaim of all the silver and gold the dollar will be worthless but he will pay for YOUR gold and silver in fair Government Terms and Prices
David Morgan :".....Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective, but fewer people are willing to invest in it. It's a smaller market and therefore more volatile. But the dynamics of silver are better, because it has every attribute of classical money that gold holds—that safe haven status—and it's better recognized as money on a global basis, not just a North American basis. On top of that, it has industrial demand, and most of those applications are price-inelastic, meaning demand will be there regardless of silver's price. So, long term, silver really does have a better investment profile than gold does.I'd say that more people are waking up to that fact, and I'll say it from empirical evidence as well...."
Gold price has risen by 30% in 2010 alone !
During the year 2010 gold has risen in price by 30%. Growth in the value of the metal was recorded the tenth consecutive year that was the longest period of price increases, at least since 1920.
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Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective
In This video silver investor David Morgan interviews Jim Pavlakos of Golden State Mint. Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective
David Morgan said in a recent interview :... There are more factors at work. At least two to three decades ago, there was an article that came out with the headline, "Silver is Gold's Poodle." I laugh, because that is really a metaphor for silver. If I ever wanted to increase my newsletter subscription, I should probably change my title to www.gold-investor.com. Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective, but fewer people are willing to invest in it. It's a smaller market and therefore more volatile. But the dynamics of silver are better, because it has every attribute of classical money that gold holds—that safe haven status—and it's better recognized as money on a global basis, not just a North American basis. On top of that, it has industrial demand, and most of those applications are price-inelastic, meaning demand will be there regardless of silver's price. So, long term, silver really does have a better investment profile than gold does.I'd say that more people are waking up to that fact, and I'll say it from empirical evidence as well.
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David Morgan said in a recent interview :... There are more factors at work. At least two to three decades ago, there was an article that came out with the headline, "Silver is Gold's Poodle." I laugh, because that is really a metaphor for silver. If I ever wanted to increase my newsletter subscription, I should probably change my title to www.gold-investor.com. Silver has better dynamics than gold from an investment perspective, but fewer people are willing to invest in it. It's a smaller market and therefore more volatile. But the dynamics of silver are better, because it has every attribute of classical money that gold holds—that safe haven status—and it's better recognized as money on a global basis, not just a North American basis. On top of that, it has industrial demand, and most of those applications are price-inelastic, meaning demand will be there regardless of silver's price. So, long term, silver really does have a better investment profile than gold does.I'd say that more people are waking up to that fact, and I'll say it from empirical evidence as well.
Silver good alternative to investing in Gold
Silver could be a good alternative to investing in gold, given the obviously different specificities of the two metals.
At the same footprint, the silver can store much less "value" of gold, and for a lower specific gravity (10.5 vs kg/dm3 19-odd) and for a much lower price (we are at about $ 35 / oz vs 1400 and change for the gold). Depending on the capital to invest, it can be an advantage or a disadvantage, of course.
In contrast industrial use has probably more extensive than for gold (it is used as a catalyst for many chemical reactions, is the best conductor of electricity and heat available to seed clouds and induce rain). also used as a germicide.
Since 1981 the trend of silver is substantially in line with that of gold, and will continue to go higher and higher according to most analysts , Eric Sprott often says the last decade was the decade of Gold this decade is the decade of Silver , Robert Kiyosaki calls silver a smoking deal , the best investment opportunity of all time ...it is never late to start stacking up silver bullion in 5 or 10 years you will be glad you did ....
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At the same footprint, the silver can store much less "value" of gold, and for a lower specific gravity (10.5 vs kg/dm3 19-odd) and for a much lower price (we are at about $ 35 / oz vs 1400 and change for the gold). Depending on the capital to invest, it can be an advantage or a disadvantage, of course.
In contrast industrial use has probably more extensive than for gold (it is used as a catalyst for many chemical reactions, is the best conductor of electricity and heat available to seed clouds and induce rain). also used as a germicide.
Since 1981 the trend of silver is substantially in line with that of gold, and will continue to go higher and higher according to most analysts , Eric Sprott often says the last decade was the decade of Gold this decade is the decade of Silver , Robert Kiyosaki calls silver a smoking deal , the best investment opportunity of all time ...it is never late to start stacking up silver bullion in 5 or 10 years you will be glad you did ....
Nickels and Copper a good alternative to Gold and Silver ?
Nickels and Copper could be a cheap alternative way to Gold and Silver , a poor man's way to fight hyperinflation....A good reason for hoarding nickels.Ren from the American Patriot Society talks about hoarding Nickels.nice thing about nickels is that if Copper prices were to drop, you are still protected because a nickel will always be worth a nickel. Copper pipe may go down in value to nothing. Time to stock up on BBB ( bullion , beans , bullets ) also grab some TP ( toilet paper ) cause its hard to wipe your ass with a Fed's note
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Gold price will reach $5,000 predicts Rob McEwen
Gold price will reach $5,000 predicts Rob McEwen In this video, Rob McEwen, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp, predicts a gold price of $5,000 by the time it peaks. He acknowledges the role of gold as money. People invest in gold to protect their other investments.
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Buy JUNK silver and avoid the ubiquitous BULLION Alex Stanczyk
Jim Puplava talks to David Morgan about the world wide abundance of silver and how to help save JP Morgan by pushing for JUNK silver instead of bullion and mentions emails from Alex Stanczyk of anglofareast.com
recorded on March 11th 2011
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recorded on March 11th 2011
Rob McEwen Sticks With $2,000-$5,000 Gold Prediction - PDAC 2011
Kitco continues the coverage of the PDAC 2011 in Toronto finds Rob McEwen, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp true to his famous price prediction of $2,000 for the yellow metal. Pulling out his now-famous $10-trillion dollar Zimbabwe currency note, McEwen claims that eventually we will see $5,000 gold prices. From the McEwen Capital Reception at the PDAC, Daniela Cambone reports.
Rob McEwen of US Gold and Minera Andes holding, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp, predicts a gold price of $5,000 by the time it peaks. He acknowledges the role of gold as money. People invest in gold to protect their other investments.
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Rob McEwen of US Gold and Minera Andes holding, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp, predicts a gold price of $5,000 by the time it peaks. He acknowledges the role of gold as money. People invest in gold to protect their other investments.
Add Gold to Investment Portfolio says Charles Ortel
March 9 (Bloomberg) Add Gold to Investment Portfolio says Charles Ortel
Charles Ortel, managing director at Newport Value Partners, talks about the performance of U.S. stocks, and the outlook for equities and inflation, and investment strategy. Ortel speaks with Pimm Fox on Bloomberg Television's "Taking Stock." (Source: Bloomberg)
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Charles Ortel, managing director at Newport Value Partners, talks about the performance of U.S. stocks, and the outlook for equities and inflation, and investment strategy. Ortel speaks with Pimm Fox on Bloomberg Television's "Taking Stock." (Source: Bloomberg)
IAMGOLD Signs Memorandum of Understanding With China Gold
IAMGOLD (IAG) announced today that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with China National Gold Group to pursue and develop mineral deposits in the regions of IAG's focus, specifically Africa, South America and North America.
China Gold International Resource, the overseas investing arm of China Gold, will handle all of its future international gold and non-ferrous business opportunities.
IAG shares are down 1.55% to $21.69.
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China Gold International Resource, the overseas investing arm of China Gold, will handle all of its future international gold and non-ferrous business opportunities.
IAG shares are down 1.55% to $21.69.
Silver bullion based upon $500 in purchasing power
Silver bullion based upon $500 in purchasing power
Silver bullion is still the best and will be the best throughout this bull market.
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Silver bullion is still the best and will be the best throughout this bull market.
How High Gold Can Go?
Mar. 7 2011 | Discussing whether gold has room to go higher, and whether it's really a good hedge against inflation, with Tom Pawlick, MF Global metals analyst, and Mark Matson, Matson Money CEO
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$1,859 Gold $66 Silver and Gold Silver Ratio of 28 is Dead Ahead!
Just using the very conservative all time yearly average highs in 1979-1980 for Gold ($613) and Silver ($21.79) and using the understated inflation rate reported via the US Government, with a CPI Calculator it is very easy to determine that both Gold and SIlver are seriously undervalued and should be at the very least...and conservatively $1,859 for Gold and $66.00 for Silver. So in my opinion folks should not in the very least be hesitant to continue to exchange their FRN currency into physical Gold and Silver. Additionally these numbers are low because the value of the US DOllar has been devalued much more then reflected by the reported CPI, additionally the US Government has been creating massive amounts currency in recent years that guarantees double digit inflation or worse in the near future.
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Greenspan on Gold Rise
Mar. 4 2011 | Gold prices reveal that there are "uncomfortable" elements in the market, says Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve chairman.
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Gold and Silver price ranges and the support levels that must hold
Trading Ranges for Gold and Silver
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco.com, reveals gold and silver's price ranges and the support levels that must hold.
Gold -- is taking a hit on Thursday it goes gold in -- in the spot right. Down just over thirteen dollars -- Jon Nadler senior analyst at kitco dot com. And done I know we're seeing -- eloped today but. How -- to that that gold was able to make and settle at new record highs......
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NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco.com, reveals gold and silver's price ranges and the support levels that must hold.
Gold -- is taking a hit on Thursday it goes gold in -- in the spot right. Down just over thirteen dollars -- Jon Nadler senior analyst at kitco dot com. And done I know we're seeing -- eloped today but. How -- to that that gold was able to make and settle at new record highs......
Silver Wheaton Revenue Up 65% Year-Over-Year (SLW)
Silver Wheaton Corp (NYSE:SLW) reported Q4 EPS of $0.35 yesterday, beating consensus estimates of $0.31 per share. Revenues for the quarter were up 65% year-over-year, to $149.6 million, below consensus estimates of $154.9 million.
The Company estimates, based upon its current agreements, to have 2011 attributable production of 27 to 28 million silver equivalent ounces, including 15,000 ounces of gold. This represents a 15% increase compared to 2010.
Peter Barnes, Chief Executive Officer of Silver Wheaton, said, "2010 was a tremendously successful year, with the Company setting new records on all financial and operating metrics. In just six years, Silver Wheaton has grown its market capitalization to in excess of US$15 billion, and has more silver reserves than any silver company in the world. We were especially pleased that the production ramp up at the first of our cornerstone assets, Goldcorp's world-class Penasquito mine in Mexico, exceeded expectations and contributed to Silver Wheaton's peer-leading 37% annual production growth. This was particularly timely as silver prices climbed to 30 year highs which resulted in record quarterly and annual results."
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The Company estimates, based upon its current agreements, to have 2011 attributable production of 27 to 28 million silver equivalent ounces, including 15,000 ounces of gold. This represents a 15% increase compared to 2010.
Peter Barnes, Chief Executive Officer of Silver Wheaton, said, "2010 was a tremendously successful year, with the Company setting new records on all financial and operating metrics. In just six years, Silver Wheaton has grown its market capitalization to in excess of US$15 billion, and has more silver reserves than any silver company in the world. We were especially pleased that the production ramp up at the first of our cornerstone assets, Goldcorp's world-class Penasquito mine in Mexico, exceeded expectations and contributed to Silver Wheaton's peer-leading 37% annual production growth. This was particularly timely as silver prices climbed to 30 year highs which resulted in record quarterly and annual results."
Silver expert Jason Hommel : Who Would Pay $500/oz for Silver?
Silver expert Jason Hommel tells http://www.FinancialSurvivalRadio.com about a common objection he hears from potential silver investors: If silver does rise to $500 per ounce in value, as Hommel predicts, who would be willing to buy at that high price?
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Lindsey Williams : Gold, Silver going through the roof
Lindsey Williams.....Gold, Silver and the U.S. Mint.....The Alex Jones show.....1-16-2011
Lindsey Williams talks about future gold and silver events.
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Lindsey Williams talks about future gold and silver events.
Gold mining companies reveal how inflation is infecting their businesses
Hollywood, F.L. (TheStreet) -- CEOs from major gold mining companies reveal how inflation is infecting their businesses.
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How to Trade This Gold Rally
How to Trade Climbing Gold
NEW YORK (TheStreet) - Scott Redler, chief strategic officer at T3Live.com, details how to trade gold as prices edge closer to its all-time high.
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NEW YORK (TheStreet) - Scott Redler, chief strategic officer at T3Live.com, details how to trade gold as prices edge closer to its all-time high.