Indian are buying more physical gold during this Diwali season when gold is given as gifts , Yes the golden opportunity is back this festive season as the gold prices hit a new low after the prices shot through the roof.Indian Gold Price Close to 30000 In Front of Diwali 2011 . Gold shopping for Gold Jewellery craze in Diwali . India is the second largest consumer of Gold in the world., and Indians have one of the highest per capita gold reserves in the world....
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What do you think of these solution?
Peter Schiff : The fundamental case for owning gold and silver is stronger than ever
Peter Schiff : I just anted to reassure everybody that I believe that the fundamental case for owning gold and silver is stronger than ever in fact the recent price decline simply adds further support I believe to the decision tobuy gold and silver , if you have already bought some you can take advantage of the decline and buy more , and if you have not bought any at all may be you thought the train already left the station it has turned around given you a second chance ...
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Marc Faber : Gold Price Could Fall to $1100 an ounce
Dr Boom Gloom and Dom Marc Faber told CNBC this morning that he expects Gold to continue to fall "We overshot on the upside when we went over $1,900," he said "We're now close to bottoming at $1,500, and if that doesn't hold it could bottom to between $1,100-$1,200." he added , so may be we won't see the $2000/oz this year as expected , Dr Marc Faber said that he will purchase more gold in a couple of days , so use these god given dips wisely and load on gold and silver , although the price might not recover quickly as he said ....
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Frank Barbera explains what is going on in Gold & Silver Market
Frank Barbera : The Central Banks are getting more and more desperate it does not seem that there is anything that can take the precious metals down except CME margin requirement hikes , the declines have been very concentrated in very short periods of times these are excellent discounts that gold and silver hoarders should take advantage of ,
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Chinese Investors attracted to High purity Gold
The Chinese Authorities have released the first national standards on "high pure gold," a move that is likely to boost the country's gold consumption."High pure gold," as it is called in the standards, refers to the gold with purity of 99.999 percent, or "five nines," and is also the highest purity so far Generally speaking, a gold ornament with an amount of metal reaching 99 percent is called "pure gold," and more than 99 percent is called "thousand pure gold." Currently in the Chinese market, the highest purity level of a gold ornament usually reaches 99.99 percent, or "four nines." With the purity of 99.999 percent, the "high pure gold" used to be used in high-tech industry, such as aerospace. It requires a higher quality of the raw material and a more complicated technological craft. There's been no end to Chinese investors' appetite for gold in recent months. And now, an added lure - investors can buy not just 99.9 percent gold, but 99.999 percent - even purer than before. - source CCTV
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Peter Grandich - GATA Gold Rush 2011
This interview was recorded in London on August 6th 2011. Peter Grandich, was interviewed by James Turk discussing gold, the S&P Downgrade, the future of America, silver, the GATA Gold Rush 2011 London conference the US Treasury bubble and that no debt crisis is ever solved by adding more debt and more. Peter is the author and founder of the internationally followed blog "The Grandich Letter."
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I'm in Country Living Magazine!
Country Living magazine chose to feature this piece, which I created from a broken antique plate.
Gold Prices to Keep Climbing
In trading gold investors need to retain a sense of history. Gold was pegged at $32 an ounce from the end of WWII until 1971 when the US went off the gold standard. It rose to over $600 an ounce in 1980 until falling precipitously to the $200 range where it remained for twenty years. The current price of gold is based in part on fundamentals and weakened economies and in part on fear of a global financial meltdown. If a trader gets caught in a highly leveraged futures position just as EU and US officials solve their debt dilemmas trading gold could be the least profitable trade of a lifetime. In short, watch technical analysis and hedge risk with options is often the best advice. Trading gold on the Comex has entered a new era as gold futures rose over $1,600 an ounce recently. As twin debt crises plague the two largest economies in the world investors are looking for safe havens as a means of hedging investment risk. Trading gold has always been a means of hedge inflation risk and a refuge in times of political crisis, economic chaos, and war. Gold bullion futures are traded on the Comex, one of two branches of the New York Mercantile Exchange, NYMEX. Billions of dollars of precious metals, agricultural commodities, and energy products are handled by the NYMEX.
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David Morgan : Gold Prices Can Still Reach $2,000
Investor demand is still strong for gold despite recent volatility and Wednesday's steep selloff , what's going on is a wait and see says David Morgan , fundamentally you should own gold , the fundamentals have not changed untill the financial house gets in order on a global basis , having said that you are going to see probably more volatility going forward says David Morgan ....
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Gold to Hit $2000 an Ounce on the Short Term
Gold hovers around the psychological level of $1900 on European debt woes , after it has reached an all time high yesterday night at around $1920 before puling back this morning of the news from Switzerland about the Swiss Central Bank imposing a ceiling on its Swiss Frank , some big investors had to sel some gold in order to recover the losses on the Swiss franc, but Gold is now back around $1900.David Lennox, resources analyst at Fat Prophets, says he's given up on setting a year end target for gold and believes that the current price is a psychological barrier to break through with the news at hand.
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Peter Schiff : Gold is the Last Haven Standing
Peter Schiff : “Fortunately, gold doesn't have a central bank, so it can rise as fast as the dollar falls …That is why gold is doing so phenomenally well, and why it should continue to do so.” - in
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Gold prices soar on the worst job report in nearly a year
David Morgan : I think we are definitely going to test that level soon ($1900/oz) Gold is reflecting a lot of uncertainty in the market place , if QE3 is announced it may bolster the gold stories , I am looking for a good pop in silver may be a two dollars move or something like that says David
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Gold is up 150% since late 2008
The savvy hedge fund players are cashing in on the gold rush.Hedge funds are using gold as a curb against sharp moves and also as a swiftly appreciating long holding , one reason Gold can rise indefinitely unlike the Yen or the Swiss franc for example both of which are popular positions right now , the yellow metal is immune fro,m central bank metaling that contempt upward swings since late 2008 Gold is up 150 percent
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