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Boom time for Gold & Silver Miners

Boom time for Gold & Silver Miners .In recent years, increasing demand for mineral resources has pushed mining companies to go farther and deeper in search of new deposits.According to TrustedBullion, Mines in the United States produced 38,580,840 Oz in 2007 & 9,028,036 Silver Eagles were coined that year. Were those consumed? In 2009, 30,459,000 Eagles were coined. That's almost all of the output if production stayed the same as 2007. I suspect Silver Eagles are not the type of silver that gets consumed. The coining cost would be prohibitive. Entry levels mine jobs can pay up to 50K dollars a year even for someone right out of high school , They say the days when you could go from high school to a high--paying, blue--collar job are long gone. But there are places in the Northwest where those days still exist — that's if you're willing to work a mile underground. For gold and silver miners, it looks like boom times right now — rising salaries, more job opportunities. Even a recent lay off in north Idaho doesn't look like other lay offs. Jessica Robinson has this story that has seen the reverse side of the economic downturn. they can manipulate the price of gold and silver, but only for the short term. Eventually, the market will recognize the supply shortage and higher investment demand for both metal and revalue them higher.
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Vintage Library Card Catalogs Transformed Into Awesome Furniture

Once the staple of library organization, these old card catalogs have been given new life as beautiful and unique home and office furniture. 

Check out these literary treasures!

Before: Abandoned

Reclaimed: Beautiful

As a dining room or kitchen buffet

What a fabulous piece! 
I love the drawer that says "NO" (that's where I'd hide my candy bars) Vintage

Cutest little card catalog ever!

Card catalog turned beautiful TV stand by Eileen McDermott Johnson

Which is your favorite? What would you store in yours?

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Jim Sinclair 5 major US banks will default this week

Breaking News: January 30, 2012. In this unedited interview with Ellis Martin and Jim Sinclair reveal a bombshill news regarding the impending default of 5 major US banks tomorrow or by the end of this week according to the ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association .Jim Sinclair, host of, gave in the past successful predictions about the gold price , US debt problems, how to ride the trend and the second phase of the gold bull. It's a gear change from arithmetic to exponential growth as public perceptions about the safety of the US dollar changes. The debt ceiling debate is a wake up call for people all over the world.

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Gold Market will be boosted by the recent announcement of MF Global

The recent announcement of MF Global that they could not find the money lost will have a huge impact on the gold market , investors will pour into physical gold more people will buy gold as they lose faith in the paper and the futures market

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Color Palette: Tangerine to Orange

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