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Vintage Lace & Doilies: Upcycled and Repurposed

Don't know what to do with all those old remnants of lace and inherited doilies? Check out these unique and fun ways to recycle and reuse these fading treasures. 

Don't have any doilies of your own? Check your local thrift shops and yard sales and I think you'll be surprised at how plentiful (and inexpensive) these beauties are.

Nelly Vintage Home

Doily lamp shade from A Beautiful Mess

Boho Vintage Crochet Lace Bib Necklace with Antique Brass Chain
Lace bib necklace by Urban Heirlooms via Etsy

Lace & doily lampshades

crochet lamps by NICE (by Naughty Secretary Club)
More doily lampshades

I think I like this one the most

Lace resist painting: lay lace on paper, spray with clear gloss spray, remove lace, paint with watercolors

For the project above you need:

Spray gloss finish        Watercolor paints           Doilies               Yupo paper

You can use any type of paper for this project but the Yupo is recommended because is its less absorbent so it creates a great resist. To make, place the lace on the paper and spray the gloss spray through the lace onto the paper. Then remove the lace and paint the sprayed paper with watercolor paints. Project by Christine Adolph.

Lace printed stationary

Lace doily candle holder: made by soaking doilies in wallpaper glue or sugar starch and forming around a balloon. Sugar starch is 1/4c water mixed with 3/4 cup granulated sugar. For more permanency use fabric stiffener such as Stiffy.

Necklaces made with lace and fabric stiffener by White Owl

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Central Banks doing a run on Gold

Central Banks Purchased 70.3 Tonnes Of Gold In April 2012! : Data from the IMF showed that Argentina purchased 7 tons of gold last year as the yellow metal was hitting an all-time highs of $1920.30 per ounce. UBS analyst Edel Tully said this suggests the Argentinean central bank was more concerned with increasing its gold reserves despite record prices. Sheeple do a bank run... and the big banks do a run on gold. Central banks gold purchase data from the IMF is in for April. Mexico, Kazakhstan and Ukraine added about 204,000 ounces in April. The Philippines added a whopping 1.033 million ounces in March with gold now at 13.6% of its total reserves. UBS highlighted the Philippines' gold purchase is significant as this is the second largest monthly Central Bank's purchase after Mexico's purchase of 2.5 million ounces in March 2011. Led by Mexico and Russia, central banks from 11 countries and the Eurozone added a combined 57.9 tonnes of gold in March 2012. Mexico raised its reserves by 16.8 tonnes, Russia added 16.5, Turkey 11.5 tonnes, Kazakhstan 4.3 tonnes, Ukraine 1.2 tonnes, while other ex-Soviet republics including Tajikistan and Belarus added less than half a tonne. In percentage terms Argentina made the biggest bet on gold, upping its reserves of gold by more than 10% to 61.7 tonnes over the month. The only sellers were the Czech Republic which reduced its bullion reserves by 4,500 ounces..
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New Jewelry On Display at Floreant Projects Gallery Emmaus PA

For a limited time (until June 20, 2012) a unique selection of my broken china jewelry will be on display and for sale at Floreant Projects gallery in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. Here are a few of the designs currently at Floreant.

Necklace made from antique Flow Blue china, sterling silver chain and wires, freshwater pearls

Art Deco poppy china with sterling silver chain and wires, freshwater pearls

Vintage black and white English transferware, sterling silver chain and wires, freshwater pearls

Antique lavender colored English transferware on sterling silver chain

Early 1800's lavender colored English transferware from the Themes river, sterling silver chain

 Early 1800's powder blue English transferware china shard from the Themes river, sterling silver chain

 Early 1800's powder blue English transferware china shard from the Themes river, sterling silver chain

The above pieces are available until June 20th 2012 at:

Floreant Projects Gallery
215 Main St., Emmaus PA 18049

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Embossed Tin Ceiling Tiles: Recycled & Repurposed

Who doesn't love the charm and character that an embossed tin ceiling provides?  Once found only in historic homes, these wonderful architectural details are the perfect way to add some vintage personality to your home. 

You don't need to install an entire ceiling or wall to get the look - adding just one single tile to your decor - either as is, or configured and upcycled into something entirely new - is easy and inexpensive. Check out these awesome examples of tin ceiling tiles used both traditionally and creatively, and I think you'll agree!

Tin Ceilings and Accessories
Peace sign wall art made from vintage tin ceiling tiles

Tin ceiling tiles in the bedroom...

Tin tiles as a headboard (above and below) photos via Apartment Therapy

A popular look: Tin kitchen backsplash


Refrigerator covered with tin (also below)

This Mexican punched tin has the same look as, and is an alternative to ceiling tiles

Stove hood made with vintage tin tiles

This kitchen ceiling is sleek and elegant!

Painted ceiling tiles lend a softer, embossed look to a ceiling

via Apartment Therapy

Wall decor

This entire wall was covered with tin tiles - what an amazing look!

Tin tile wall at Four & Twenty Blackbirds NYC

Tin tile fireplace surround from This Old House

Tin tiles used as a heat shield behind a wood stove

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What a great use of ceiling tiles!

Tin ceiling tiles as home decor and artwork...
Vintage Ceiling Tile with Heart
Ceiling tin art by FloralAccents via Etsy

Image Detail
Ceiling tile planter box from This Old House

Tri-fold screen made from vintage ceiling tins

mirrors made from tin ceiling tiles

Tin frame mirrors (above) and star (below) from Olde Good Things

Star made of antique ceiling tin

a tin-tile chalkboard
Art Deco style tin tile chalkboard DIY instructions

Shelf made from antique ceiling tins by Vintagehomeaccents

Tin hooks (above) by Architiques

Waste can made from an old tin tile by oldtinstuff via Etsy

Vintage Tin Ceiling

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