

What do you think of these solution?


The Trouble Is, You Think You Have Time

How many days have gone by where you planned to get certain things
done but then at the end of the day you realized that you accomplished
almost nothing that you set out to do that day? It happens to me once in a while. 
create my daily list of things to do - with good intentions of course - and I check my
 list on and off throughout my day, but sometimes, other things just get in the 
way. Sometimes when I am working, a new idea will come into my mind and sidetrack
 my focus, or other things will come up and before I know it, the day is over and my
to-do list remains undone. Worst of all, I felt like I had wasted time! 

 This reminded me of something my vocal coach taught me years ago when I was taking 
singing lessons. She used to tell me to "Use the air, don't push the air" when singing. 
This piece of advice was a true method to making someone a better vocalist. Now,
years later, I think of her words again, but this time they have a new meaning to me. 

Will I use my day, or will I push through my day?

Even more importantly, and on a much bigger scale, will I take the time that I should 
to do the things that I've always dreamed of doing, or will those things somehow get
pushed away too? I'm choosing to pursue all of those dreams, and to use every second
 of my time on this earth thoroughly and completely.

How about you?    

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Germany Stockpiling Gold: Ted Anderson Reports

The global financial collapse is coming and expected in 2014. The Germans just do what everyone else should be doing right now... securing your financial future. The global Elite won't warn you that the financial collapse is coming. So you have to make precautions on your own and prepare yourself for anything. And that's what the Germans are doing. And seriously, Gold is an old topic in Infowars. Alex has already talked about that in 2009 and recommended everyone to buy more gold and silver.
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The Most Beautiful Valentine's Day Treats Ever!

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Jim Rogers : Gold is consolidating now, a well-deserved consolidation

Jim Rogers : “Gold is up 11 years in a row. Gold is consolidating now, a well-deserved consolidation. I own gold, I’m not selling gold. If gold goes down, I’ll buy more.” He’s bullish gold will eventually go well over $2,000 an ounce but said corrections of between 30% and 40% are normal. Rogers owns all the metals but said if he had to buy one today, it would be silver.
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New Jewelry Made From Broken China

I've been a busy bee and just last night finished up a brand new batch of 
jewelry made from broken antique china.  I handcraft each piece of jewelry 
from start to finish - each piece starts out as a broken or damaged plate that 
is then transformed into wearable art. The finished result is a beautiful keepsake 
piece of heirloom quality broken china jewelry. Each is a labor of love! 

Check them out! 

Want to see more? 
You can check out all the the items shows above as well as lots more of 
my broken china jewelry in my Etsy shop: Dishfunctional Designs

What do you think?

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What is Silver? with Sean Rakhimov of

Minaurum Gold interviews Sean Rakhimov of on his views of the Silver market for investing, supply and demand, current and future trends and much more.

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Salvaged Wood & Pallet Potting Benches

A potting bench or potting station is the perfect spring project for your garden, porch, or garden shed, and right now is the perfect time to start planning and collecting the wood 
and other materials you will need to create your very own potting bench creation! 

You can use all different types of  salvaged and reclaimed materials to create a potting 
bench. Old doors, wood shipping pallets, salvaged wood, sections of fencing, and even old sinks and dressers can be incorporated into a potting bench! Your only limit is your own imagination!  Check out these wonderful potting benches and maybe you'll be inspired to plan and make your own!

I love a potting bench with an old sink added! by Lori J via Hometalk

This bench cost only $1 to make! by excessfroufrou via Gardenweb

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