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Is Gold the Next Bubble?
Is Gold the Next Bubble?
With gold having run up to record prices of late, some have wondered whether the yellow metal is likely to be the next bubble? Brett Arends discusses. And Peter Lattman profiles C. Dean Metropoulos, an low-profile investor with a knack for rebuilding old brands like Chef Boyardee, Bumble Bee and Schlitz. His most recent purchase: Pabst Blue Ribbon.
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With gold having run up to record prices of late, some have wondered whether the yellow metal is likely to be the next bubble? Brett Arends discusses. And Peter Lattman profiles C. Dean Metropoulos, an low-profile investor with a knack for rebuilding old brands like Chef Boyardee, Bumble Bee and Schlitz. His most recent purchase: Pabst Blue Ribbon.
GOLD in the IMF
The IMF holds a relatively large amount of gold among its assets, not only for reasons of financial soundness, but also to meet unforeseen contingencies. The IMF holds 103.4 million ounces (3,217 metric tons) of gold, worth about $83 billion as of end-August 2009, making it the third-largest official holder of gold in the world.
The IMF's Executive Board recently approved limited sales of gold. Learn more about Gold and IMF.
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The IMF's Executive Board recently approved limited sales of gold. Learn more about Gold and IMF.
Value Investor Charles De Vaulx Loves Gold
Famous value investor Charles De Vaulx loves gold vs fiat currencies. When asked if gold is going up based on the "great fool theory," De Vaulx says that those buying paper that can be printed endlessly are the greater fools.
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Silver is Trading like a Currency, Finally!
Over the past few days, silver has bucked the trend of falling ever time the stock market sells off. The price seems to be rising as economic fear grows, much like gold. This means that investors are increasingly seeing silver as a currency, not just an industrial commodity.
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GATA Chief Adrian Douglas outlook for the precious metals
GATA Chief Adrian Douglason Russia Today
GATA (Gold Anti Trust Agency) Director and CEO of Market Force Analysis Adrian Douglas giving a brief overview of the precious metals situation.Gold peaks at $1263 - Robby Noel vs CNBC Jun 18 2010
CNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubble
CNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubble. Robby says CNBC is a worthless financial channel.
Gold peaked at $1263 but settled at $1257.
Silver peaked at $19.30 but settled at $19.19.
Robby maintains that the media is not focusing enough on the financial crisis. Caller mentions having difficulty trying to talk to friends about Zionism.
Robby explains when he was on the American Freedom Network and he did a interview with James Dobson. Robby questioned why were we going to war and alienated some people back then. Robby mentioned the manipulation during the first Gulf War where the media bought out that princess who said that Saddam was killing babies. Suddenly people were for the war.
Robby gives a background on how he came to realize Christian Zionism is a problem. He will be giving a announcement soon about when he will go back to South Africa.
Mike Maloney : Gold standards are not the holy grail of monetary systems
Gold standards are not the holy grail of monetary systems. They merely open up the possibility of governments abusing the system and printing more receipts for gold and silver (cash) than they have in physical metal. One of the reasons that we are living through such turmoil is that we allowed governments to cheat gold. A more stable system: use gold and silver themselves as money, as the free market has demanded for the last 2000 years.
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$1 trillion of minerals and Gold found in Afghanistan
(CNN) - According to the New York Times, a massive reserve of mineral deposits has been found in Afghanistan. Our Christine Romans has the report.
June 14, 2010 — The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. Paul Jay says that United States has known all about these minerals since 2007, why is this story just coming out now?
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June 14, 2010 — The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. Paul Jay says that United States has known all about these minerals since 2007, why is this story just coming out now?
Mini Fort Knox in Asia - JP Morgan fears Confiscation
A Mini Fort Knox built by JP Morgan in Singapore due to "fear of confiscation". Next Stop for Gold: $1500
Mini Fort Knox in Asia - Robby Noel June 10 2010
Kelvin Tay, chief investment strategist at UBS Wealth Management, expects gold prices to hit $1500 in 12 months. He tells Paul Schulte, managing director at Nomura International and CNBC's Martin Soong and Karen Tso why he is so bullish on the precious metal.
Robby Noel June 10 2010 - Mini Fort Knox in Asia - CF
Robby plays a clip from Asian Squawk Box.
>>>A Mini Fort Knox built by JP Morgan in Singapore due to "fear of confiscation".
U.S. Asset Managers worry about that the U.S. administration could confiscate Gold for economic reasons. THE FACT THAT U.S. ASSET MANAGERS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT CONFISCATION IS IMPORTANT.
Robby makes a good case for taking notice of these important developments. This is not the coin industry promoting 'confiscation' that makes this worth watching.
Robby later on talks about the 1933 Gold Confiscation Act in detail. Only 2 people were said to have been convicted of the 1933 Act. Despite what the coin companies may say. Robby does not recommend you selling your Gold for other types of Gold because of confiscation fears.
Robby is on the RBN Network, his show is called "The Flip Side" the show exposes the behind the scenes goings on within the financial world. This is one of the best programs out there.
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Born in the land named after Cecil John Rhodes Robby has spent last 30 years trying to figure out how he lost a country that was called Rhodesia, the journey to discover the truth about the Rhodes Legacy has led him along many paths in many countries it’s this world view mixed in with current political events that Robby tries to sweep away the fog of “political correctness” on a daily bases.
RBN has some of the best informative shows out there. Their archives are only $1.33 per month. I suggest supporting them and then you don't have to wait for their shows to be uploaded here.
Gold to Hit $2,000?
Robert McEwen, chairman of U.S. Gold, a gold exploration company, tells CNBC he expects the precious metal to hit $2,000.
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Iran Buys Gold and US Dollar
Iran Buys Dollar, Gold
June 03, 2010 — Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN John Bolton on the reasons behind the Iranian central banks decision to sell euros to buy the U.S. dollar and gold.
Gold Rush : Whats Driving Main Street Investors to Buy Gold?
June 02, 2010 — Gold dealer Arthur Blumenthal on why the sales of gold bullion and coins continues to be strong.
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Gold Rush or Fools Gold? Dylan Ratigan
If you want to pay 74% more for gold coins than necessary, then follow the advice of snake oil salemen like Glenn Beck and buy those gold coins from Goldline.
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