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Gold peaks at $1263 - Robby Noel vs CNBC Jun 18 2010

CNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubble

CNBC maintains that Gold is in a bubble. Robby says CNBC is a worthless financial channel.

Gold peaked at $1263 but settled at $1257.
Silver peaked at $19.30 but settled at $19.19.

Robby maintains that the media is not focusing enough on the financial crisis. Caller mentions having difficulty trying to talk to friends about Zionism.

Robby explains when he was on the American Freedom Network and he did a interview with James Dobson. Robby questioned why were we going to war and alienated some people back then. Robby mentioned the manipulation during the first Gulf War where the media bought out that princess who said that Saddam was killing babies. Suddenly people were for the war.

Robby gives a background on how he came to realize Christian Zionism is a problem. He will be giving a announcement soon about when he will go back to South Africa.

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