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billionaire investor Jim Rogers says hold your gold but buy silver now

billionaire investor Jim Rogers says hold your gold but buy silver now

gold will be a bubble someday, but you are way off saying if you didnt buy 5 years ago you are done. speculative money hasnt even begun to enter the gold market and the statistics prove that. gold still has a way to go, not to mention if the government keeps debasing our currency.Commodities guru Jim Rogers explains why a triple digit silver price this year worries him and why Gold and Silver will end up in a bubble sometime in 2017 ,or some years ahead : ....No, not yet. But I’m worried about silver. If silver continues to go up like it has been over the past 2 or 3 weeks, yes, then it would get to triple digits this year. And then we’ll have to worry. It’s not parabolic yet. I hope something stops it going up in the foreseeable future and we have a correction. There’s never one in history that hasn’t popped. Now, maybe the US dollar is going to become confetti in 2011, and if that’s the case and silver goes to $150, then obviously I wouldn’t sell my silver. It would be the US dollar which is collapsing. But if silver goes up the way you’re talking about without currency collapse, I would be very worried."

" That’s certainly part of it, yes. And you have to watch the price action. I remember when gold went parabolic in 1980. I shorted gold when it went parabolic in 1980, and it went higher for another two weeks after I shorted it. But it eventually collapsed. Silver eventually collapsed. All parabolic moves throughout history, there’s never been a parabolic move which hasn’t collapsed in any asset.
Silver and gold, yes, will be a bubble someday, Jay. There’s no question in my mind that all commodities will be a huge bubble someday. But I don’t think that bubble is going to happen in 2011. I think it’s going to be more likely 2017, or 2018…you know, a few years from now. I’m not picking a year, just saying it’s a few years away. It could happen sooner, but I hope not."

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