

What do you think of these solution?


Bob Chapman : gold and silver are going to go up a 100 to a 150 percent within the next 6 months

Bob Chapman : gold and silver are going to go up a 100 to a 150 percent within the next 6 months

 Bob Chapman  :   ...commercials mean banks and these are the characters that have been rigging the arket for years , they were very heavily short and what happened is they covered a good part of their shorts that means that either they stay out of the market or they go long , I do not think they are going to go long so they are to go short may be sometime in the future ...this means there is no overhang on the Gold and Silver, in the next while within 6 months probably much sooner gold and silver are going to go up a 100 to a 150 percent , that's for historical perspective and make notice of it says Bob Chapman of the International forecaster , I have been doing this for 52 years , I know everything that happens in the Gold and Silver market I was the largest gold and silver stock broker in the world and so I know what's gonna happen ....and there is going to be enormous amount of money made and so if you are thinking about buying  gold and silver coins bullion or shares do it because you will never buy them any cheaper

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