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John Rubino interview by Kerry Lutz 11-3-11

Author John Rubino on how to profit from currency devaluation and his outlook for the global economy and the gold prices , John Rubino is publisher of, a popular online hub for news impacting the economy. John is the author of several well-received books fortelling years in advance the collapse of the housing market and the decline of the US dollar, he is also the co-author, with GoldMoney's James Turk, of The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, 2007), and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street (Morrow, 1998). After earning a Finance MBA from New York University, he spent the 1980s on Wall Street, as a Eurodollar trader, equity analyst and junk bond analyst. During the 1990s he was a featured columnist with and a frequent contributor to Individual Investor, Online Investor, and Consumers Digest, among many other publications. He currently writes for CFA Magazine.

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