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Obama is Good for Gold

Gold Super Spike Will Signal an Obama Win says Jon Najarian "We've noticed large investments in SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD) and iShares Silver Trust ETF (SLV) over the past two months. After losing its luster from the end of February 2012 through the May 23rd low of $148.84, it wasn't surprising for us to see institutional buying return to the precious metal. Then we had Fed Chairman Bernanke announce QE Infinity post Jackson Hole and his two-day Fed meeting last week, and gold was off to the races. The spike [GLD] from $167 per Bernanke announcement to $172 was nice, but a 3 percent rally isn't really going to get the gold bugs buzzing. However, we see massive buying of November 180, 185 and 200 calls, which portends a significantly greater rally, perhaps even a super spike for gold." he added

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