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Easy Freezable Breakfast Burritos

I don't usually post recipes on my blog, but I've had so many
friends and family members ask me for this particular recipe that I 
thought the best way to share it with everyone would be to write
 a blog post about it, so here it is! 

Who doesn't love a great breakfast burrito? Yum! 
What's awesome about this recipe is that you can prepare these 
ahead of time, wrap them up and pop them in your freezer for a
future quick and easy breakfast on the go.  They freeze wonderfully!

Easy freezable Breakfast Burritos   

Assemble your ingredients


1 lb. roll package of pork sausage (I use Jimmy Dean)
1/2  pkg shredded frozen hash brown potatoes (I use Ore Ida)
4 Tablespoons cooking oil to cook hash browns 
8 extra large eggs
2 Tablespoons butter to cook eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 cup shredded cheese (I use Cracker Barrel sharp white cheddar)
1/8 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
15 medium sized soft flour tortillas, at room temperature 
optional add-in ingredients:
cooked diced green onions, red or green bell peppers, or diced onion

(Note before starting: If you are going to use any add-ins such as onions or peppers, you can either cook them with the sausage or with the eggs. For this recipe, I added in some finely diced green onions because I happened to have them in my fridge. I cooked them with the eggs, as you will see below)

I added in these green onions that I found in my fridge


1. Crumble sausage and cook according to package directions until browned.  

2. Season hash browns lightly with black pepper and cook in oil until slightly golden.

To save time, I cooked my sausage and hashed browns at the same time

Cooked sausage and hashed browns

3. Once completely cooked, put sausage into mixer and mix for about 30 seconds to break up larger pieces and get an even consistency. (Using the mixer is an optional step. I find it convenient and helpful, but you can also mix your ingredients by hand if you prefer.) 

4. Next, add the cooked hash browns to the sausage in the mixer and mix for just a few seconds until blended.

Sausage and hashed browns combined

5. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, milk and 1/8 teaspoon each of salt and pepper until well blended.

I used eight extra large eggs for this recipe

6. Melt butter in frying pan and cook the eggs scrambled style. 

I tossed some chopped green onions into my melted butter and sauteed them for a minute before adding my egg mixture.

Cooking up the scrambled eggs

7. Once cooked, add the eggs to the sausage and hash bown mixture and mix for just 10 to 15 seconds until blended. Do not over mix. You do not want mush, you only want to blend the ingredients.

Sausage, hashed browns, and eggs combined. Your filling is finished!

8. Place a flour tortilla on a plate and spoon on a generous scoop of filling. Sprinkle with cheese.

Put filling on tortilla

Sprinkle with cheese

Roll into a burrito: (there are many different ways to do this and it takes a little practice, but is easy once you get the hang of it! You can roll them any way you like but my technique below is fast, easy, and secure.)

I lift the tortilla and hold it like a taco to help gather the ingredients together before I start rolling them up.

Then I place it back onto the plate and fold one side of  the tortilla shell over the filling, covering the filling and firmly pulling the filling a little bit towards you, sort of like you're bunting a baby! 

Roll it snugly into a tube shape, holding it closed. 

Go to one end and tuck the long part in with your finger, then the other two ends that are sticking out. Don't fuss or think about it too much, just tuck!

Sorry these photos are a little blurry. I was tucking burritos with one hand and taking pictures with the other! Talk about multi-tasking!

Then go to the other end of the burrito and do the same. 

Wrap snugly in plastic wrap and freeze. 

To reheat frozen burritos:

Remove plastic wrap. Wrap burrito in a paper towel, place on a microwave safe plate and cook in microwave for one minute. That's it! Enjoy!

These are great for busy mornings. The recipe above makes about 15 nice sized burritos, but you can increase the ingredients to get more burritos from the recipe by either increasing the eggs, potatoes, sausage, or by just doubling the recipe. I also sometimes change this recipe up, depending on what 
ingredients I have on hand or what I am in the mood for. Sometimes I omit the potatoes, or add extra cheese, etc. You can customize these breakfast burritos however you like!

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