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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of my readers! 

I made this Ukrainian pysanky (Ukrainian Easter egg) from a regular chicken egg.
It is done with a multi-step wax-resist process similar to batik.
To see how they are made, or if you want to create your own, check out my
previous post, How To Make Pysanky

Happy Easter!

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Silver Ready to Catch Up to Gold?

Looking at gold vs. silver. Discussing silver's next move, with CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis and the Futures Now Traders.

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Look! Mom's Dishes! ...Connections To Our Past

Sometimes I think I have the best job in the world, getting to work with beautiful 
china pieces day in and day out...sometimes it actually feels more like a privilege 
than an actual profession. After all, each of these plates and cups and saucers 
and other dinnerware pieces all have history behind them. They come from 
many different countries, from all around the world, and their beautiful 
patterns and colors give them a unique appeal that brings them to life 
unlike other ordinary household objects. 

We remember dishes. 
They're a part of our family in some ways, a part of each of our own personal histories. 
Have you not once in your life been somewhere, maybe an antique market or 
thrift shop, and come across an orphaned plate or cup that you instantly 
recognized from somewhere in your own past? 

At that moment of recognition, it isn't just "a plate" or "a cup," but mom's plate, 
or grandmother's cup. There is a connection. Often when that connection is 
made we find ourselves flooded with memories of family from long ago, 
or of our childhood, or of holidays and times past. If you're the 
sentimental type like I amit can be a comforting experience. 

I've been working with dishes for so long now that I know the patterns by name.
No, I don't talk to them, but in a way, they speak to me. I see them as
valuable, not monetarily valuable, but valuable in a way that fills your
soul with warmth and peace just as memories of loved ones do.
This was, after all, someone's grandmother's plate. 
Someone just like you. 

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gordon jewelry

Although diamonds gordon jewelry  have been known to man for about 4000 a long time being first found and found in India then finding their strategy to Greece after that time period. They did not arrive at the fore until these were found in quantity in Brazil only some hundred years ago. They still weren't in the ownership gordon jewelry  in the common man until exploration got underway in South Africa in the mid 1800's. Now they can be purchased in every top main road jeweler and jewelers on the web.

Today large mines in South Africa are gordon jewelry  actually challenged by mines within Australia, Canada, Russia many other countries. Australia is usually interesting as mines in close proximity to Perth are producing superb coloured stones, which until recently were not available, but are now appearing inside your local jewelers shop.

This is how diamonds are graded this gordon jewelry  particular knowledge should allow a buyer a much better deal when purchasing.

Your 4 C's

Colour, Clarity, and Carat - these are gordon jewelry  generally mostly natural attributes, however Cut depends upon human intervention.


N, E, F. Colourless H, H, I. Almost Colourless L, K. Slightly Tinted L, M. Slight Tint normally yellowish N, O, G, Q, R. Light Tint usually is seen with the naked eyes. S - Z. Hued usually yellow to golden. Colour visible to bare eye.


FL. Exquisite. Extremely rare. IF. In the camera flawless. Very rare. VVS. Very very slightly included. ( an inclusion usually are any internal impurities that restrict light refraction) VS. Very slightly included is seen under magnification. Sl. Slightly included. Sl2. Inclusions is seen under magnification 10x. G. Pique or included seen to naked eye.


1 Carat = 0. 20 gr


Diamonds when cut can be found in gordon jewelry  different shapes and have wonderful names such as Baguette, Emerald, Heart, Pear, Sparkling, Oval, Marquise, Triangle, Rounded Single, and the most widely used Round Brilliant. Diamonds are cut so as to reflect the light through the mirror cut surfaces/facets though the the top diamond. Cuts for diamonds will be in specific proportions and facets accepted gordon jewelry  industry standards.

To summarize:
           gordon jewelry
It is always advisable to purchase a real diamond from the main street jeweler or perhaps a jewelers online. A single stone of some size is obviously preferable to a gaggle of smaller stones. Man made Cubic Zirconias should gordon jewelry  be avoided altogether as they have little or no resale value and can be a very poor relation to actual cigarettes. I hope this gordon jewelry  is great for your decision making when purchasing to the special person in your own life.

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10 Suggestions to Protect Your Jewelry Shop From Smash and Get Robbers

Jewelry stores lose approximately $125 mil annually to robbers. Law enforcement also report that 10 to be able to 15 cases of homicides occur over these robberies every year. Over and above the statistics, actual people lose their wealth and in some cases lose their lives. Commonly, jewelry stores are perfect targets for robbers a result of the perceived high returns. Importance important to take the necessary precautions if you unique a jewelry store.

A rapid scan at the pages of most of Houston newspapers uncover that smash-and-grab thieves' strikes targeted at jewelry stores are getting fairly common nowadays. The story line is same always- thugs enter into the store, smash displays, grab the jewels, and escape on the waiting car. On February 22, Gordon's Jewelers throughout First Colony Mall, was a victim connected with "smash and grab" kind of robbery. According to studies, three hooded men stormed the store armed with hammers, killed the cases, and escaped with watches along with valuables.

Considering that these robberies are getting to be very common, it's to certainly say that any bracelets store in Houston area can fall victim whenever. But this does not necessarily should be so; there are many precautions which can stop robbery.

10 Tips to shield Your Jewelry Store:

1. Contact a jewelry store security company to get a security guard to shield your store.

2. Steer clear of closing the store alone. The wise thing to accomplish is lock the doorways as someone watches more than you, just in event.

3. Never let in the person unfamiliar person in to the store before or soon after business hours.

4. Install door bells or chimes to be able to alert you that somebody has entered the store.

5. If possible, the design of your store ought to be such that quick exit is achievable to avoid armed confrontation in case a robber gains access and it is trying to escape.

6. It's advisable that a minimum of two employees should always be at the floor on the store. A single employee is really a fair game and would-be-robbers may seek to rob.

7. Make a point of noticing every man or woman who enters the store, along with greet them. Criminals loathe being noticed.

8. Obtain burglary resistant glass. It will slow the smashing of cases regarding robbery.

9. Install a visible one-way mirror. A potential robber from the premises may get the impression that someone could possibly be watching them through the mirror.

10. Develop a code that can be used to call the consideration of employees should a new suspicious person be discovered. The code could become an innocuous phrase like, "Did Mr. Bean download that movie last night? " such a time period cannot disturb customers, but will heighten employees caution. Others include: pretend to call the police if you notice an extremely suspicious person, put merchandise in numerous cases, and keep valuable jewelry and set up keep decoys in conditions.
Taking precautions obviously is good, but the best gun against jewelry store robberies is to employ proper deterrent strategies. Hiring a jewelry store security guard could very well be the best deterrent. A guard is always in search of a suspicious character, and the potential robber knows he has to cope with the guard after thievery. This will make a would-be-robber think before striking.

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gordon jewelry

It looks just gordon jewelry   like a diamond ring, it sparkles just like a diamond ring and it endures like band but it is no gordon jewelry  longer a diamond ring. Tips on how to know it's not a band? It's priced like the moissanite ring. There is usually a buzz in the trend industry about moissanite rings and jewelry and it's really getting around fast.

Moissanite is usually a mineral that was discovered more than a century ago, but until a couple of years ago it was too rare to make use of as jewelry. Now, moissanite rings and jewelry are rising and not just gordon jewelry  since they're a diamond "substitute. " Moissanite jewelry can in fact be better looking than diamond jewelry because the stones have an overabundance of "fire" and brilliance when compared with diamonds. It's a measurable, scientific fact. Some stones posing since diamond look-alikes, cubic zirconia by way of example, have some shine and also sparkle, but none of them come towards the gordon jewelry  diamond, much less go over it.

By far the most important benefit of purchasing moissanite rings and jewelry may be the cost. A three natural stone moissanite ring, equaling two carats will most likely run right around $1000. A similar diamond ring will set you back over $5000. Investing in moissanite jewelry rings is as safe as investing inside diamonds. They are harder than any gemstones; diamonds are the sole ones still harder, and also moissanite is barely powering, making them just as durable and intensely appropriate for gordon jewelry  everyday put on. Moissanite jewelry rings also carry lifetime warranties usually. And just like expensive diamonds, moissanite holds its benefit.

Even though moissanite wedding rings and jewelry are less costly than diamonds, buying moissanite does not carry the "fake" gemstone gordon jewelry  stigma, because of the excellent stones. More and more couples are choosing to purchase three stone moissanite rings instead of choosing diamonds in regards time to make wedding party decisions and celebrities just like Vivica Fox, Kiko Elsworth, the actual members of (the former group) Destiny's Child, and Marc Anthony are choosing to purchase and put on moissanite jewelry.

Before you acquire a moissanite ring, there are some things you should know. Just like expensive diamonds, moissanite has varying color hues between almost colorless to hues of green, sometimes even looking grey. Many consider this color very elegant plus a green moissanite ring will be a great conversation starter gordon jewelry  but should you be concerned about the coloration, be sure to take a look at your potential stones in varying forms of light. The green hues are most visible in daylight so they might not display under the bright lights on the jewelry store.
          gordon jewelry
So when it comes time for you to spend gordon jewelry  some gordon jewelry  of your dollars on yourself and add some glitter to those hardworking hands, or if thinking of a special gift for a close relative, buying a moissanite ring might be the best gordon jewelry  option you can make.

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Bohemian Beaded Colored Mason Jar Tutorial

In my last post, Colored Glass Mason Jar Tutorial, I demonstrated how to 
create extremely cool and stylish colored jars with Mod Podge and food coloring. 
Now, take it a step further and dress up those pretty jars with some wire
 and beads and turn them into beautiful Bohemian hanging jars...

First, gather your supplies.  
Here is what you will need:

Craft wire (I used 20g around the jar and 26 g for the beads)

Craft chain (I used jewelry chain) and Jump rings (5-6mm) 

A variety of coordinating beads

Jewelry pliers - any type, small

Directions for adding wire & chain hangers to the jars: 

1. Cut a 3 foot length of 20 gauge craft wire and wrap the wire around 
the rim of the jar below the lip. When you get to the end of the wire, 
twist it together with the beginning end of wire until both ends are 
secured together, and then snip off any excess wire. Tuck any pointy 
wire ends against the jar with a pair of pliers. 

(Note: if you are going to add beads to your jar, do this before adding the chain hangers)

2. Measure and cut four equal lengths of chain. I made each of mine 8 
inches long. Attach lengths of jewelry chain to the wire with jump rings. 

3. Gather together the four lose ends of chain and attach together 
with another jump ring or with a piece of wire and close. 

To decorate your jar with beads:

4. Now cut another long piece of thinner, 26g wire (long enough to wrap around 
the neck of the jar a few times) and do the same thing you did before, wrap the wire 
around the neck of the jar, but this time, first secure the beginning of your wire 
to the wire that you already wrapped around the jar. Now add beads to 
the wire as you go along. 

I strung about 4 to 5 inches of beads and then stopped and wrapped my wire 
around the existing wire to secure it, then I continued, adding another 5 inches 
or so of beads, then again stopped and wrapped the wire to secure it, then added
 more beads, and so on. When you get to the end of the wire, wrap it around 
the wraps and tuck in any pointy ends with a pair of pliers.

5. You can also use additional pieces of wire or headpins to 
create beaded drops and attach those to your jar. 

6. Now attach your chain hangers as described above in step 2.

That's it! Hang in a sunny window. 

You can use this as a candle holder, but do not put the candle directly 
into the jar. Instead, place a candle inside a glass votive and then place 
the votive inside the jar. Not made for holding food or water unless you
use some type of liner inside the jar. 

This was my inspiration photo...

What do you think?

This DIY copyright Laura Beth Love 2013

Check out my new Boho Chic jewelry book!

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New Broken China Jewelry In My Shop Today

I haven't had time to make much new jewelry lately because I am 
busy working on my first jewelry instruction book (yay! fun!) but I 
managed to make a few new pieces this week and wanted to share 
the photos with you. Once my work on the book is through, I'll have
 lots of new pieces to share with you. Hope you like! 

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