

What do you think of these solution?


gordon jewelry

Although diamonds gordon jewelry  have been known to man for about 4000 a long time being first found and found in India then finding their strategy to Greece after that time period. They did not arrive at the fore until these were found in quantity in Brazil only some hundred years ago. They still weren't in the ownership gordon jewelry  in the common man until exploration got underway in South Africa in the mid 1800's. Now they can be purchased in every top main road jeweler and jewelers on the web.

Today large mines in South Africa are gordon jewelry  actually challenged by mines within Australia, Canada, Russia many other countries. Australia is usually interesting as mines in close proximity to Perth are producing superb coloured stones, which until recently were not available, but are now appearing inside your local jewelers shop.

This is how diamonds are graded this gordon jewelry  particular knowledge should allow a buyer a much better deal when purchasing.

Your 4 C's

Colour, Clarity, and Carat - these are gordon jewelry  generally mostly natural attributes, however Cut depends upon human intervention.


N, E, F. Colourless H, H, I. Almost Colourless L, K. Slightly Tinted L, M. Slight Tint normally yellowish N, O, G, Q, R. Light Tint usually is seen with the naked eyes. S - Z. Hued usually yellow to golden. Colour visible to bare eye.


FL. Exquisite. Extremely rare. IF. In the camera flawless. Very rare. VVS. Very very slightly included. ( an inclusion usually are any internal impurities that restrict light refraction) VS. Very slightly included is seen under magnification. Sl. Slightly included. Sl2. Inclusions is seen under magnification 10x. G. Pique or included seen to naked eye.


1 Carat = 0. 20 gr


Diamonds when cut can be found in gordon jewelry  different shapes and have wonderful names such as Baguette, Emerald, Heart, Pear, Sparkling, Oval, Marquise, Triangle, Rounded Single, and the most widely used Round Brilliant. Diamonds are cut so as to reflect the light through the mirror cut surfaces/facets though the the top diamond. Cuts for diamonds will be in specific proportions and facets accepted gordon jewelry  industry standards.

To summarize:
           gordon jewelry
It is always advisable to purchase a real diamond from the main street jeweler or perhaps a jewelers online. A single stone of some size is obviously preferable to a gaggle of smaller stones. Man made Cubic Zirconias should gordon jewelry  be avoided altogether as they have little or no resale value and can be a very poor relation to actual cigarettes. I hope this gordon jewelry  is great for your decision making when purchasing to the special person in your own life.

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