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Thrift Shop Find: Simple Antique Wooden Chair

I was thrilled when I spotted this wooden chair at a local thrift shop a few weeks ago. 
The timing wasn't right though, and I passed it by due to lack of time and thought. 
I did think about it again over the next week and or two and when I returned to that 
same shop it was still there, so I grabbed it.  At $10.00 I thought it was a bargain! 

I've recovered these types of seats before and they're relatively easy to do. 
My tough decision now is whether or not I want to paint the wood. Hmmm. 
At first I thought maybe turquoise or bright red, or even a lime (kinda neon) green.
 But now that I see the how the wood is so nicely naturally worn, I'm having 
second thoughts about painting it at all! 

What would you do with it?

What do you think?

What would you do with this chair?

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