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Shopping For Engagement Rings is as Easy as A, B, C

Remember the stress you felt when you bought your first car? You had to worry about a range of things, from how safe it was and how good its gas mileage was to how cool you would look in it and did it come in your favorite color. That stress is nothing compared to the flock of butterflies that erupt in your stomach every time you think about shopping for engagement rings. That isn't too surprising: you'll buy lots of cars in your life but (hopefully) there will only be one time that you ask someone to marry you. Nothing is going to eliminate that stress all together, but there are steps you can take to help manage it enough so you don't hyperventilate every time you get within a hundred yards of a jewelry store.

Know what it is that you are looking for. The professional behind the counter is going to help you make a decision. That is what he or she is there for, and they will guide you through the process, but if you haven't narrowed it down a little in your mind, you will be overwhelmed. Do some research online. There are hundreds of fine jewelry websites where you can look at the different styles and cuts of diamonds that are out there. (It would also help if you asked your girlfriend what she likes, too.)Have an idea of how much you can spend. A lot of people go in there thinking that whatever they want is going to be super expensive and that helps to stress them out. The fact is jewelers have a wide range over very affordable rings to choose from. Don't be afraid to say "I am looking to spend this amount." You'd be surprised how many options you are going to have.Remember that the person behind the counter has a lot more knowledge than you do. When you go clothes shopping you know what you are looking for because you have bought a lot of clothes in your day. Fine jewelry? Not so much. Listen to them as they explain the differences in cut, color and clarity. All of those have an effect on the price of the ring and help determine how the ring is going to look. Don't think that they are going to try and force something on you, either. They know that this will not be the last piece of jewelry you buy for this woman, so they are going to want you to enjoy the experience and think of them when gift giving time comes around.

If you follow these three easy steps when you are looking at engagement rings I guarantee you will be amazed at just how stress-free it can be.

Ansel Adams is exceedingly interested in diamonds of all shapes and sizes. He explains about tips on finding diamond engagement rings and wedding bands. Rate this Article

Shopping For Engagement Rings is as Easy as A, B, CNot Rated Yet

Ansel Adams has published 3 articles. Article submitted on July 23, 2013. Word count: 457

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