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Blast From the Past Vintage Engagement Rings

Retro is always cool. Every year, it's a slightly younger retro, but that's mostly irrelevant. Especially today, in the shadows of a recovering economy, re-using old anything is incredibly popular. Vintage esthetics are really big right now, so it only makes sense that vintage engagement rings are a growing section of the market. After all, who doesn't like having a story to their ring?

Of course, many vintage rings are passed down, from parents and grandparents, but that's not your only option. Companies are cropping up and, indeed, have existed for years, that trawl estate sales, looking for unique pieces. Engagement rings, wedding bands, all sorts of fine jewelry slip through the cracks of unclaimed goods, and it's really a shame. So many beautiful pieces, slaved over by hand by some jeweler who is now long gone, are shoved into a drawer somewhere, never to be appreciated again.

It's easy to see the appeal of vintage jewelry from an artistic perspective. After all, who doesn't appreciate a little art noveau in their lives? If you don't, it's because you haven't seen these blocky, solid, paneled pieces of glory. If that's not your style, there was a huge boom in art deco style rings at the beginning of the Baby Boomers, which means that there is a steady supply of these marvelously blended ideas of luxury and technological progress.

Fine jewelry, especially pieces that evoke vintage pieces, cost a pretty penny. The benefit, at least to the shopper, of finding real vintage jewelry is immense savings. A brand new engagement ring can cost thousands of dollars in order to acquire something unique. Each engagement ring you find at a vintage vendor, or especially if you dig through estate sales yourself, comes with a wealth of stories. These rings are symbols that love does go on, that this is a cycle without end. People will always fall in love and be willing to commit to each other. There's also an added benefit of having a ring that no one else will have. Uniqueness is a large factor in the cost of engagement rings, after all.

So, please consider a vintage engagement ring when you go out shopping. Many classic designs are laid by the wayside in the name of progress, and this is a shame no matter from whose perspective you consider it. After all, how often do you get to feel like you're building into history? Just imagine who might have that ring when you're done with it, the kind of treasure it will be in their time.

Ansel Adams is exceedingly interested in diamonds of all shapes and sizes. He explains about tips on finding Vintage Engagement Rings and affordable custom engagement rings.

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