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Diamond Dressers- Used Widely as Surface Grinders

Many of us are not aware about additional usage of diamond other than employing it for making jewelry. This fact might surprise some of you that diamonds are used widely in industries for making surface grinders to use them as diamond dressers. A dresser is used generally for shaping the edges of metal blades and other grinding machine. The sole purpose of employing these gadgets is to provide a sharp cut to the surface on which it is used. With such a cut, the appearance of an element gets an attractive look. These tools are used both for grinding wheels and for jewelry items made up of diamond. Moreover, the speed of such dressers is generally more than other conventional tools used for the same purposes. Hence, it is one of the reasons of popularity of such gadgets in the industry.

Diamonds in its diverse forms is used as abrasive for performing different sharpening works. Diamond powder is used mostly for this purpose. It is made by crushing diamonds into small pieces known as microns. This process as a whole is known as micronization. This process is a tough industrial process, which starts when a special kind of liquid is mixed with some of the gases to break down the molecules of diamonds into fine pieces. This process finely delivers a fine crush powder, which is used further upon some of the gadgets to polish their surfaces. The particles obtained by this process can be coarse or fine in nature. The amount of pressure used for performing the task determines the final product. More to this, the particle used for obtaining the dust also determines for the consistency of the product finally achieved. However, size and uniformity are important as it is used as a super abrasive agent for cutting different metallic substances.

Besides this, diamond paste is another form of diamond that is used in precise applications. To get this paste, diamonds are crushed into fine particles and are mixed with some special agents to convert it into adhesive form. To make this paste, diamond is crushed finely. After this process, it is converted into glue like form. To fill this glue like substance, syringe is used. Syringe is used to give fine shape to a surface; hence, the amount of adhesive is needed to be controlled so that it can easily be used in precise application performed in industries.

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Diamond Dressers- Used Widely as Surface GrindersNot Rated Yet

Shivansh Kohli has published 6 articles. Article submitted on July 18, 2013. Word count: 399

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